Let’s Explain Oil Prices so we all understand

ValueStockPlayers.com Opinion Let’s Explain Oil Prices so we all understand It’s fascinating, the amount of erroneous information that is circulated out in the real world that just isn’t true. Whether it’s Senators, Congressmen, or even Presidents of the United States...

It Doesn’t Mean anything if you don’t Sell

ValueStockPlayers.com Sitting Around the Table May 12, 2022 Dow Jones         31,807 S&P 500              3941 NASDAQ            12017 Oil                    $104 Gold                 $1852   It Doesn’t Mean anything if you don’t Sell If you want to make a...

When Will the Ukraine War End and How

The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for more than two months now. This is a very short period of time as wars and battles go, however it is much longer than Russia had intended to last. They thought it would be a lightning strike, the capital would be...