The Truth about Global Warming
2023 Date Line Proprietary: Not publicly disseminated First, let's talk about what is global warming. Since the Industrial Revolution, the global annual temperature has increased in total by a little more than about 2 degrees Fahrenheit. Between 1880—the year that...
The Life and Death Struggle of the United States vs. China
2023 Date Line Proprietary: Not publicly disseminated The media in our country has been writing about the competition between America and China for years now. Pundits are portraying China as a substitute for the old Soviet Union in a new Cold War. They also portray...
The Coming Re-Alignment of World Economic& Political Power
2023 Date Line You will not read this anywhere else There is a saying that goes “World is too much with us.” I forget who pointed this out 50 years ago but it is truer today than ever. Today we are years into the advent of the 24-hour continuous news cycle. At any...
The Ukraine – What’s Really Going On?
You will never read this in the newspapers or see it on television but it certainly affects all of us and the financial markets as well. There are always bogeymen in the world. In the last century, it was Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung of china. There’s always...
There are 8 economists in the United States who decide if America is in a recession Sitting Around the Table July 29, 2022 Dow Jones 32508 S&P 500 4098 NASDAQ 12896 Oil $96 Gold $1777 There are 8 economists in the United States who decide if America is in a...
Disappointing quarterly results from JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley also offer more bad news for the economy Sitting Around the Table July 15, 2022 Dow Jones 30670 S&P 500 3804 NASDAQ 11839 Oil $96.30 Gold $1736 Here’s the Action Right Now Disappointing quarterly results from...
What I learned from Milton Friedman……. A Valuable Piece of Advice What I learned from Milton Friedman……. Several decades ago, I would take seminars everywhere in the world. If the topic was interesting and it gave me a chance sit with the smartest minds in the world on that topic, I...
Let’s Explain Oil Prices so we all understand Opinion Let’s Explain Oil Prices so we all understand It’s fascinating, the amount of erroneous information that is circulated out in the real world that just isn’t true. Whether it’s Senators, Congressmen, or even Presidents of the United States...
Gun Control: Do you want to fix the BLAME or Solve the PROBLEM
Value Stock May 27, 2022 Opinion Gun Control: Do you want to fix the BLAME or Solve the PROBLEM We don’t believe in the good old days. That is just a bunch of sentimental nonsense. These are the best days in history to be alive. In the 1950s almost 50,000...
Russia – there’s nothing there, and as for China the Emperor has no clothes
Value Stock Commentary May 26, 2022 Russia – there’s nothing there, and as for China the Emperor has no clothes Wow, what a difference a few months can make. President Biden a few days ago while visiting Asia stated that the United States would defend...