Great Stock Picks From

Wall Street Pros Straight Talk
No Hidden Bias

Great Stock Picks From

Wall Street Pros Straight Talk
No Hidden Bias

Welcome to Value Stock Players

The Ultimate VALUE INVESTING website for investors seeking outstanding stock market performance.

We are an unbiased, independent subscription based stock selection service. We research large, publicly traded companies that are undervalued, and ready to make a move. As an investor you know the move off the bottom is where the big money is made. We find stocks to buy when every research analyst is walking away from them.

Remember when oil was $108 per barrel, and Wall Street was telling you to buy ENERGY STOCKS. That’s when you should be selling. When Wall Street hypes it, you want to sell it. When there’s blood in the streets is when you want to be a buyer as Warren Buffett likes to say. What this means for you is when oil got down to under $30 per barrel, we loaded up on energy stocks. Why, because we recognize the truth about things and not the nonsense that television commentators talk about which we call NOISE. At under $30 per barrel, the political stability of Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries is threatened.


World News For Investors

Do Student Loans Affect Your Credit Scores?

Highlights: Student loans are a common solution for individuals and families looking to manage the cost of college; however, they’re also a big financial commitment. Your credit scores may be significantly impacted depending on how you pay back what you’ve borrowed in...

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Customers of the following firms utilize our services

First, let’s cover what we give you


We research UNDERVALUED STOCKS, STOCKS THAT ARE IN THE PROCESS OF BOTTOMING, and stocks that we are convinced are POISED FOR SUBSTANTIAL IMMEDIATE GAINS and are the best stocks to buy now.

We E-MAIL you IMMEDIATELY when we have found a GREAT, TIMELY IDEA, from the center of our world to yours.
We tell you what price the stock should be BOUGHT at, and at some point in the future, we tell you the PRICE it should be SOLD at.
We are MARKET PROFESSIONALS, and yet our research is EASY TO READ, with NO HEDGING. You will very quickly appreciate that we are DECISIVE about what we like.
We only write up WORLD RENOWNED companies. There are no untested start-ups in our work. You can sleep at night owning the stocks we like. This also LESSENS RISK, and that’s what you want to do. On occasion we will select a small cap stock.
We are INDEPENDENT, there is NO BIAS, we take no fees from any company, or companies we write about, and we operate with INTEGRITY in our work.
We intentionally make our e-mails to you EASY TO READ, with a FOLKSY writing style. It’s like we are in your living room with you discussing stocks.
We’re SMART FORMER PARTNERS of Wall Street firms, a track record that we believe you won’t find anywhere else. We do the work, your portfolio shows the profits, what could be more comforting than that.
Just about every week, you will get a copy of our famous “Sitting Around the Table” commentary where we tell you what’s REALLY HAPPENING in the stock market, with our stocks, in the world financial arena and occasionally some stocks to watch. This is information you NEED to have, and if you are like our other subscribers, you will be sharing it with all your friends. We also offer at time some stocks to watch.
Is our service expensive? It’s about the cost of a meal for two at a fine restaurant every quarter, or we offer a more economical annual membership. Click on any one of the JOIN NOW buttons to see for yourself how reasonable GREAT WINNING IDEAS can be. Always keep in mind the cheapest thing in the world is the price of advice that works, and the most expensive is the cost of advice that doesn’t work. Look at our track record – YOU DECIDE.
If you want to know more, than listen up folks. We don’t know if the returns you will generate by using our services will be the same as the above returns. What we can tell you is that we don’t have a thousand stocks on a “Buy List” like some firms. We limit our ideas to what we really believe in. Is that true of the sources you are relying on currently, for your investment ideas and strategies?
We have never found anyone who could generate a thousand winners, and you know that many winners just don’t exist. Some investors own so many stocks; they effectively become an index fund of the market. They do no better, and no worse than the broad based indices. This is not how the real money is made.
You’ve always known how the big money is made in the market. Keying in on a handful of winning stocks, and riding them up like a rocket makes the big money. We have stockbrokers who are subscribers. We have money managers, and hedge funds that are subscribers. We even have brokerage firms as subscribers because we are unbiased.
We have no axe to grind. We have no agenda, other than helping you make money. We never, ever take positions for ourselves in the stocks we tell you we like. What we love is being able to give you, the individual investor the same kind of ideas that the big boys pay a fortune to hear about. Are you the type of investor that appreciates stock ideas that really work? If you are, than consider working with us and
You are going to love our SITTING AROUND THE TABLE commentaries here at We tell it like it is. Some of the things we tell you, you may not want to hear, but we tell you anyway. Would any brokerage firm ever tell you that 90% of all investors who buy on margin get margined out at some point?
If we could give you a handful of rules for “how to invest”, one of them would be NEVER, EVER invest on margin. Do you know any investors who want to be told to watch out for technology stocks when they are trading at all time highs? They want to buy more, while the SMART MONEY is GETTING OUT. We monitor insider trading on every publicly held company. We don’t want to be on the wrong side of a man with information, and never do you. We called the top of the last bull market, and we sure are going to try to call this one too. We knew when hundreds of stocks were overvalued, and we did everything we could to help our subscribers get out of them, and into safe harbors. When the storm comes, you don’t want to be out at sea. The stock market works the same way.
If your portfolio is full of stocks that trade at a hundred times earnings, or trade on no earnings at all as a concept stock than you own the wrong stocks. Fantasy investing has never worked long term, and never will. If you want real stocks from real professionals than
We can tell you the truth as we see it because we are objective. We do not function as investment bankers for any company we tell you about. There’s a simple reason why we function this way. For those that do, the opinions of their investment banking clients are more important than an honest opinion about whether a stock is a buy or a sell. Take a look at our closed out positions link, and see for yourself the quality of the stocks we write about and we wll always tell you the best stocks to buy now.
If you want to know more, than listen up folks. We don’t know if the returns you will generate by using our services will be the same as the above returns. What we can tell you is that we don’t have a thousand stocks on a “Buy List” like some firms. We limit our ideas to what we really believe in. Is that true of the sources you are relying on currently, for your investment ideas and strategies?
We have never found anyone who could generate a thousand winners, and you know that many winners just don’t exist. Some investors own so many stocks; they effectively become an index fund of the market. They do no better, and no worse than the broad based indices. This is not how the real money is made.
You’ve always known how the big money is made in the market. Keying in on a handful of winning stocks, and riding them up like a rocket makes the big money. We have stockbrokers who are subscribers. We have money managers, and hedge funds that are subscribers. We even have brokerage firms as subscribers because we are unbiased.
We have no axe to grind. We have no agenda, other than helping you make money. We never, ever take positions for ourselves in the stocks we tell you we like. What we love is being able to give you, the individual investor the same kind of ideas that the big boys pay a fortune to hear about. Are you the type of investor that appreciates stock ideas that really work? If you are, than consider working with us and

WELCOME to our FAMILY of Subscribers, I personally want to thank you, and don’t forget the MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for the next 14 days.