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Warren Buffett – Words of Wisdom
Below you will find a series of quotes Warren Buffett has said throughout his investing lifetime. Warren Buffett has always been known to have a very down to earth, common way of explaining very difficult concepts. What you will find is that when he talks about a topic, in a sentence or two, he will say more than most financial wizards can say in an entire page. This is really his genius at work. Take a moment or two, and enjoy 10 precious pearls of wisdom. It doesn’t get any better than Warren Buffett , and by the way, we have provided our own understanding of this man in our translation of each quote.
Translation: Warren Buffett loves baseball, and consequently, he likes to use baseball analogies which seem to translate very well in terms of his financial advice. In this case Warren Buffett is talking about not buying untested companies, or ground floor situations. A company without earnings, or a startup is like swinging at a ball while it is still in the pitcher’s glove.
Warren Buffett only wants companies that have been tested. Well known brands with great balance sheets, and a decent entry price would be the same as swinging just as the ball is passing the plate and you know exactly how it’s going to move. He likes SURE THINGS and you should too.