Who We Are Not
Valuestockplayers.com is a web based stock newsletter. The service attempts to ferret out fabulous stock market bargains as they come off the bottom of their trading ranges. Concentrating on just a handful of stocks per month allows VSP to eliminate thousands of stocks via a screening process.
WE ARE NOT A BROKER DEALER, AND WE ARE NOT AN INVESTMENT ADVISOR, as those terms are defined under the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the regulatory bodies of the fifty states of the United States. If valuestockplayers.com were to become registered investment advisors we would have to satisfy a paper and financial burden that would make this service virtually impossible to provide to you.
Our subscription base is anonymous, or faceless. We do not know who our subscribers are. We know you only by your e-mail address. valuestockplayers.com doesn’t know if you are rich with $ 100 million in the market, or a market novice whose only interest is intellectually entertaining yourself about the daily movements of the world’s stock markets. This leads us to another point. valuestockplayers.com is an entertainment web-site. If you read everything we publish, we believe that you will not only get great ideas, but also you will receive a belly full of laughs and stories that you will tell your friends for years to come.
Since we are an entertainment web-site and an educational web-site, keep in mind the following story. Years ago one of the persons whose talents we draw upon at VSP worked for Lehman Brothers back in the 1970’s. This was a time when Lehman Brothers was the oldest continually running investment banking partnership in the United States. They were created before the Civil War. The Senior Partner of Lehman at the time liked to tell a story. It was about a stockbroker who went to his doctor to complain about chest pains. The broker said he couldn’t deal with the pressure of how much information to convey to his clients. The doctor responded,”I have been in the stock market for almost fifty years, and I know that “PEOPLE WANT A STORY, PURE AND SIMPLE”. The doctor is right. If you are looking for 10 pages of statistical abstracts about a stock, buddy this is the wrong place. If you are looking for stories about great companies selling at great prices, then this is the right place.
- Your stock broker
- Your banker
- Your money manager
- Your investment advisor
Learn to read annual reports regarding the ideas we like or anyone else likes. They are easily obtainable in most public libraries. You can also order them through the Internet for every publicly traded company in America today. Look at Value Line if the company is followed by that service. Look at the various 10-k’s and quarterly statements that are available. Read the latest news events surrounding the security in question. Look at research reports from brokerage firms. If you do look at research reports, make sure you are guarded because they are completely biased. If the brokerage firm does investment-banking work for the stock in question then objectivity is gone. What VSP is trying to tell you is to make the idea yours. Get as much objective information as you can. This in the end is an educational experience.
Your money is too important to be trite about it. Investments are too important not to perform this process. You are talking about your financial future here. It’s worth the effort. Only after you investigate and are an informed investor, should you consider investing in anything. This is true in every aspect of life.
WE CAN NOT ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT SPECIFIC STOCKS OR INVESTMENT STRATEGIES. The reason is simple. The regulators have a rule. It is called rule 404. It’s the “KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER” rule. Since we do not know you, and since we do not do any due diligence whatsoever with regard to any individual subscriber, HOW CAN WE POSSIBLY ADVISE YOU ABOUT SPECIFIC STOCKS, OR INVESTMENT STRATEGIES. This would compel us to be investment advisors as that term is defined legally.
What this really means is that it is not fair to advise someone about any specific stock or strategy without knowing that person’s full financial picture. This is what your stockbroker and others are supposed to do. Are you long-term or short-term? What are your objectives? How many years do you have to work with before retirement? What is your financial burden? Are kids going to college in the picture? How much risk can you take? These are just some of the questions that your real advisors are, or at least should be asking you. If they are not, then get new advisors. Remember that insanity is doing the same things over and over again, expecting a different result.
Remember that valuestockplayers.com is a newsletter. You the subscribers are our readers. It’s really a one way conversation. We promise you it’s going to be a wonderful conversation however. You are going to love what we do. You are going to tell all your friends and relatives about our work. So welcome aboard and have a great time. It’s going to be a great ride.
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