A well-crafted trip may require months of planning, but your departure date can come up quickly. To reduce stress and enhance your pre-trip excitement, start writing down your to-dos as early as possible. Proactively manage your tasks instead of waiting until right before you leave. Here’s a list to help get you started.

Long Trip Anyone - 01


Long Trip Anyone - 02

Contact your bank and credit card companies
Let them know of our overseas travel plans to reduce the odds of transactions being flagged or declined.

Visit a local bank or credit union
Exchange money to get currency for your destination

Contact your cell phone company, and research SIM card options
Determine which plans and tactics will work best for your needs and budget.

Load free communication apps
Look into options such as WhatsApp and Facebook’s messenger.

Check whether you need an international driving permit to drive at your destination legally.
If so, you can get one through the American Automobile Associating (AAA) at www.aaa.com/vacation/idpf.html.


Put bills on autopay
Refill any needed prescriptions
Put a hold on mail or newspapers.

Create a detailed packing list. Plan where to keep your car if you are not driving to your destination.

Sign up for travel alerts from your airline.
Arrange for someone to care for any pets and plants.

Develop a plan for any necessary home maintenance, such as lawn care.

Create a strategy for home security. Leave a copy of your itinerary with a trusted friend or family member.