Staying Active makes retirement more fun

Maintaining a Healthy Social Life.pdf-image-000

When you stop working, you may find yourself with a lot of free time on your hands. For many, their job was the driver of regular social interactions – whether of small talk by the water collar or happy hour drinks after work.

The absence of these interactions can lower your quality of life and even become a threat to your mental well being and health.

Research shows that people with strong relationships stay mentally sharp longer than their peers, staving off depression, loneliness and cognitive decline.

Strong social ties are not only associated with better brain health, but also better physical health.

Staying socially connected and engaged in your community is critical to healthy aging. Here are some ways to build and maintain a strong social life in retirement.

Stay Connected to Loved Ones There are many ways to stay in touch, even across distance. You can call, email or send a cared to loved ones.

You can also take advantage of apps such as skype and Facetime that allow for video chats and online group hangouts,

which are a great way to connect when visiting isn’t an option. And stay in touch with your old co-workers – although you no longer work together, it doesn’t mean longstanding friendships should end.

Stay Connected to Loved Ones

Exercise Movement can help you stay well both physically and mentally.

While there are plenty of ways to exercise solo, having a workout buddy or group can help keep you motivated. Check out a local hiking trail where you can walk or go for a bike ride with a friend.

If you are able, you can also try a group class in dance, yoga or tai chi. Whatever you choose, getting active is a great way to find a group.

Focus on Your Spiritual Life Attending religious services or participating in a spiritual group can provide a meaningful way to connect with others and a link to even more activities, such as community service days, potluck dinners and study groups.

Focus on Your Spiritual Life
Take a Class

Take a Class taking a class puts you in direct contact with instructors, classmates and subjects that interest you. Peruse your local community college catalog, check out senior center offerings or consider auditing a class at a nearby university.

Many colleges and organizations offer a variety of online courses, which are a great way to stay engaged even if physical attendance isn’t an option. Also consider art classes, music lessons or joining a
writing group.

Volunteer Research has shown that senior volunteers experience decreased anxiety, depression and loneliness and increased life satisfaction after one year of volunteer service. Support a cause that’s important to you – or do it just for fun.

No matter how you reach out, you will likely find others who will welcome you into the fold.

Volunteer Research